30 days of 29: yet another new project

Although I do not write this without a hard little clump of fear doing flips in my stomach, I am honestly both happy and excited about this birthday. I intend to celebrate. And what better way to celebrate than with a project?
For the 30 days leading up to my birthday on July 18th, I am going to undertake a little project, along the lines of Things To Do Before I'm Thirty. I have a handful of things planned already, but most of the days are open for suggestions.
And this is where you come in.
I am asking anyone who reads my little blog to tell me what YOU think I should do before I'm 30. It can be big or small, it can be sweetly meaningful or downright silly. In short, tell me what to do, and as far as I am capable, I will do it.
I'm all yours.
But not so fast! Let's establish a few ground rules first.
- I'll be doing 30 of these, so please keep your suggestions to something I can accomplish in a day or less, and at a pretty minimal cost. The spending hiatus lives on!
- I'm a pretty clean-livin' kinda girl with a husband and child, and would like to remain as such by the time the 30 days are up. So I'm thinking no on the body shots at the strip club. Be gentle with me!
- Starting June 18th, I will do one small project per day and then blog about them as close to daily as I can, ending on July 17th.
That's pretty much it!
Leave your ideas as a comment to this (or any future) post or email them to me at tamsin.project.project@gmail.com. If you have a blog, I will link to it on the day when I do your project (unless you ask me not to, of course). And please don't feel like you have to be a regular reader or commenter to do so. I suspect that some of the best suggestions might come from those of you I don't know at all. So don't be shy!
I'm excited to see what you come up with! :)
Image borrowed here.
You should one of those days agree with 3 of you`r friends that have children that you will look after all they`r kids at the same time so they can go do they\r nails or something for atleast 3 hours...
ReplyDeleteThats my suggestion...
Good Luck ..
Hm, I think you should give something to a stranger or two that you see. Hugs, random (wrapped) gifts, $10, whatever you feel comfortable with. Kind of pushes you out of your comfort zone, but makes you feel good too!
ReplyDeleteRe-organize your purse or diaperbag. I read an article in some magazine about ditching all the pockets and stuffing all sorts of things in small cosmetic bags! It's worked great- one bag for small toys, one for my makeup and tampon stuff, another for hand sanitizer, lotion, bandaids, etc.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE reorganizing little things like that- and it's easy.
My suggestion: Try 3 foods you think might be gross that you've never tried before.
ReplyDeleteBen's Suggestion: Bowl with the bumpers up.
:) Yay! Birthdays!!!!!
We love you!
I found you from your post on Rav.
ReplyDeleteI like the project. Hmm, let's see. I looked at your blog to see if you like to cook or bake but I didn't see anything in my quick glance-over. How about if you try to bake a loaf of bread? It's something I've been wanting to do, so I am passing it on to you for now. Good luck!
This sounds like a fun project! Here are a few suggestions from me (I've not been a regular follower of your blog, so nut sure if they're all suitable, but what the hey :D) So... have a picnic with your family. Count how much money you need for retirement and work up a savings plan. Write a letter to your 40-year-old-self. Take part in a demonstration. Plant a tree. Start knitting a heirloom piece to give to your child when he's older (or for him to give to his kids). Have a party!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun project! I'm also new to your blog (from Ravelry) so not 100% sure that this will all work for you... Call up an old friend you haven't talked to in ages just to chat (or email if that's your thing). Watch a movie series in one day (like Star Wars or The Godfather or whatever). Write a poem. Take Espen someplace he's never been before. Learn how to say hello in 30 different languages. Watch something on TV you've never been interested in before (a sports game, a bad show, whatever). I would say go to a sports game you've never been to before, but with your spending hiatus, not too sure about that one!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! :)
Found your blog on Rav. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
ReplyDeleteFor your 30 days project you could:
*Write to all the missionaries in your ward.
* Take a cooking class or go to a cooking demonstration
*Try a new form of exercise (check out a DVD from the library)
*Try a new craft
* Get to know someone you have been meaning to get to know better
Ok that's all I have for now. Have fun it will be fun to see what you do :)
Also found you on Ravelry.
ReplyDeleteBoy, you have some really great suggestions already; I don't know that I could come up with anything better.
I hit a big one this year, and I'd thought for about six years it would be cool to finish climbing Colorado's 14ers by the time this birthday rolled along. Unfortunately, I didn't get it done. I like your idea of much smaller and therefore more doable and achievable projects.
So on that thought, I guess something a little easier than climbing 59 mountains might be... start a life quilt for your baby. If you quilt. (You could crochet it or knit it, if not.) Make each square (one each year) something symbolic of that year of the child's life.
Reading Snowcatcher's comment made me think of one since I know you don't "really" crochet, but would like to learn how someday: learn how to crochet a granny square (or some other small project) for a learn-to-crochet-fo'-realz(-yo) day.
ReplyDeleteIf you do a granny square you could make more in the future and, eventually, you'd have a blanket.
What a fun idea...30 projects. Be sure and blog and tell us how it goes!
ReplyDeleteThink of someone who made an impact on your life (an old friend, a teacher...) write them a letter (a real letter, not e-mail or facebook) and tell them how they impacted you! Leslie
Here's one that's easy peasy.
ReplyDeleteStart reading to your baby, he's not too young! It's something that's quick, you both will enjoy it and if you continue the practice he will be an incredible reader and when you are old he'll read to you!
XXXOOO Happy 30!
My thirtieth is creeping up too (Sept) so I like your idea. My suggestion would be to to cook something from 3 different countries! Look up some international recipes. :)
Here's my list.
1. Along the line of Worsted - one day write a letter to your 20 year old self. The next day, a letter to your 40 year old self. I've been meaning to do this on my own blog.
2. Bake 30 cupcakes and hand deliver each one to neighbors and friends with a 1-sentencer about why you love them. I.E. - Knock knock. Hello Tamsin. Hello Erin Bailey. Tamsin, why are you giving me this cupcake? Erin, because I dig your mad piano skills.
3. Make a tiny hand-made book of thirty pages, with each page listing something you love about yourself. No disclaimers. No apologies.
4. Creat a mini-biography. Tamsin North turns 30: my life thus far. Maybe it could be a wordless picture book.
5. Do something brave every day for a week (7 of your 30 days). Something way outside of your comfort zone...but obvliously not anything stupid or dangerous. We're not talking running in front of speeding trains. More like...walk in to a swanky too-good-for-common-folk store and apply for a position there. Or call your local politician and give them your 2 cents. Or cook a really complex recipe.
6. Drive somewhere you've never been, and claim the land for Tamsinia. You have to create your flag before you go, of course.
7. Have a sleep over with Nick on your back porch. No tent. Just stars. (and a baby monitor)
8. Game night with the McCrery's. Nothing significant or out of the ordinary, but definitely a must in the oh-so important 30 days prior!
9. Have you ever had a full-body massage? I have the hook ups. The spending hiatus friendly hook-ups.
10. Visit every art museum from home to northern Orem. With a monacle. Flaunt the monacle.
Also: Nick? What the heck is a granny square? I think you just made that up.