Vegetarian Week Roundup

Not having eaten meat since last Sunday, I thought I should summarize a few things. First, one of the questions I have been asked the most is what have I been eating this week. Because I still ate eggs and dairy, breakfast and lunch have stayed pretty much the same as always (cereal for breakfast, lots of toast or leftovers for lunch). However, here is a rundown of what I've been having for dinner:
Monday: The ever delectable Zucchini cakes with mushroom ragoƻt. They're cheap, they're easy, they're fast, and we are definitely making them for Nick's birthday party in a couple of weeks.
Tuesday: Sweet and Sour vegetables over rice, courtesy of Teriyaki Stix. Except I paid for it. It was fine and good and whatnot, but I think it's also the kind of meal that most people assume vegetarianism is all about. I felt like I ordered it because it was the only option, not because it was something I specifically wanted.
Wednesday: Pasta with pesto and feta cheese. My cute mum gave me this recipe (cook pasta of your choice, add 3 tablespoons of pesto and mix in crumbled feta) and insisted I try it for vegetarian week. So I did. It was very tasty, but I think I would add some halved cherry tomatoes next time.
Thursday: Guru's Veggie Curry Bowl, containing, amongst many other tasties, vegan classics tofu and edamame. This was my entire brief flirtation with vegan food, and it was kind of a mixed bag. I liked the edamame a lot, and the tofu was super tasty while it was still crunchy and hot on the outside, but got pretty uninteresting and slimy as soon as it cooled down. I loved all of the vegetables, but was a bit disappointed with the flavour. The vegetables were cooked in a spicy coconut sauce, which sounded really good, but somehow managed to maintain the blandness that some vegetarian dishes have.
Friday: Cheese fondue - and probably a vegetarian slip up. This was at a party, and while I didn't specifically eat any meat, I'm pretty sure there was chicken broth in one of the fondues. I ate it anyway, though.
Saturday: Cheese sammich at the Relief Society broadcast. Nothing too eventful.
Sunday: Vegetables over couscous. Anyone who has ever lived with me knows that this is a total staple of my diet, and there is no way vegetarian week could have happened without it.
Another thing I wondered about before I started this week, was if I was going to notice any obvious difference. Would I feel amazingly healthy, or would I feel crappy due to malnutrition? Would I feel deprived, or would I like it so much that I didn't want to go back? While one week is only so long, I think I can say that what I experienced lies somewhere in between those things. Physically, I felt pretty much the same as usual. Maybe a little more energized than usual, but I could also attribute that to other things, like spending more time at the gym. Other than that, the only difference is really only that I've mostly felt hungry more often.
I haven't felt deprived or like I've been missing out on something I crave at all. A lot of that, I think is that I've been eating foods I enjoy, which isn't really hard, seeing as I just like food. The only times it was harder, was when I wasn't cooking for myself, and couldn't control what food was on offer. At restaurants and parties my options were limited to what was on the menu, and the vegetarian option wasn't always what appealed to me most. At the same time, as the week is over, I don't feel like I'm dying to go out and chomp down a hamburger, and wouldn't mind at all if tomorrow's dinner was a meat free one. My grandmother eats one or two pieces of chocolate every night, and she'll be 95 next month, so perhaps this week's take home lesson should be one of moderation?
Yummy Edamame and Couscous! Very good blog! I like your conclusion.
ReplyDeleteWhat an open, balanced assesment of your adventures in vegetarianism. It is true that you are necessarily limited in social situations like birthday parties, ward activities (ESPECIALLY ward activities, ironic) and restaurants. My Mom is still vegetarian and mostly eats raw fruits and vegetables. I tried going Raw too. The good feelings came for me after a month of it. The limitations were even greater with eating all raw fruits and vegetables. I had to constantly be volunteering to bring a dish of my own when I was invited to parties so that I knew there would be at least one thing on the menu I would be able to eat!
ReplyDeleteThe most meaningful benefit probably ends up being greater self control. And because of that a more conditioned mind. It was easier to be more spiritual when I was making an effort to eat for health and not necessarily for taste. It was like fasting. Fasting from sugar, chemicals, dyes and junkfood.
Thanks Tamsin, Amy and I really enjoyed this set of posts.
The famous zucchini cakes/mushroom ragout has my curiosity piqued; you'll have to teach me how to make it when we're out there (which might be sooner than you think...).
ReplyDeleteClay and I laughed out loud together at the post before this one.
And I liked your "food critic" assessment of the week's meals. I was just wondering out loud the other day how one scores a job as a food critic; wouldn't that be a sweet job?
Wow good for you girl! I also had a vegetarian kick when I was a teenager. Needless to say, it didn't last long. I couldn't be a vegetarian when I live so close to In N Out!!!